Diagnostics / Screening
ChromoLogic is focused on developing advanced diagnostic and screening platform technologies, leveraging our expertise in optics, microfluidics, and innovative biomarker discovery. Our solutions have reached advanced stages of clinical trials, demonstrating the progress and potential of our cutting-edge research.
Measures the concentration of circulating micro RNA (miRNA) starting from 200 μl of whole blood (minimally invasive) collected from a patient with a lancet (no phlebotomist needed) and provide tissue specific injury from toxins (radiation, chemical) and capable of predicting systemic syndromes.
A simple, inexpensive unit for blood cell removal from small amounts of blood in resource-limited settings, based on the integration of two ChromoLogic patent-pending technologies: 1.) novel self-extraction technology for fluid collection and 2.) power-free tangential flow filtration technology for the removal of blood cells.
The Ocular Flare meter with the ability to systemic inflammation induced blood eye barrier disruption in less than 1 minute using a a handheld non-invasive non-contact instrument platform.
OPPAH is a compact, disposable, low-cost, and noninvasive cellulose-based lateral flow strip that uses a colorimetric visual indicator to rapidly identify open-globe injuries. OPPAH samples biofluid on the eyelashes or conjunctival sac. If the concentration of a specific biomarker in the sampled fluid is significantly higher than non-ocular biofluids (e.g. blood, tears, and sweat), then OPPAH visually indicates its presence.
A portable, handheld Raman Spectrometer device that measures concentration of circulating drugs starting with 200 uL of whole blood (minimally invasive) collected from a patient with a lancet (no phlebotomists needed). As a companion diagnostics device, THERESPEC provides an low-cost, easy to use (non-expert users), rapid (30 minutes), assay-free solution for monitoring drug toxicity/therapeutic levels.
![Drug Toxicity](https://chromologic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Drug-Toxicity.jpg)
Cell Monitoring by Optical Coherence Tomography system that is based on Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) to perform in-line, non-invasive, and non-destructive cell monitoring in dynamically growing cultures.
![OCTiCell with Bioreactor](https://chromologic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/bioreactor-8.jpg)
Provides non-invasive, non-destructive, real-time measurements of tympanic membrane and middle ear structure and biomechanics with high spatial (18x6x100 µm3) and temporal (50,000 scans per seconds) resolution. This allows the physician to not only examine the inner ear structures but also quantify how each part of the ear responds to and transmits sound. This enables healthcare providers to characterize middle ear effusions and other dysfunctions in a way that was not possible with previous technology. The optical fiber probe is integrated into a digital otoscope allowing the physician to easily and safely insert and guide the probe inside the patient’s ear. The system is designed to be used by any healthcare provider who can operate an otoscope and only takes 10-15 minutes to complete structural and function tests.
Despite substantial progress in malaria diagnosis and treatment, malaria continues to threaten world health and economic development, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa where greater than 90% of all malaria deaths take place. The main determinant of disease severity is the patient’s parasite burden. As these parasites digest the host’s blood, they produce insoluble microcrystals of hemozoin. By exploiting hemozoin’s unique magnetic and optical anisotropy properties, QuickMag system is capable of measuring hemozoin concentration from whole blood, which enables pre-symptomatic parasitemia detection, malaria speciation, and drug resistance monitoring. QuickMag is a high-throughput, battery-operated, point-of-care device for the rapid and cost-effective surveillance of malaria infection.